Services B.V. is one of the multiple branches of the company, founded in 2010.
Over the years, through non-destructive
testing, inspections, surveys, equipment, consumables, along with general
industrial supplies, we have established an excellent reputation in supplying
and maintaining the following industries:
- railways inspections;
- oil and gas sector;
- industrial construction;
- aerospace;
- pipeline;
- fabrication;
- shipbuilding;
- ship repair.
As a leading supplier in the non-destructive
testing industry (NDT), we provide various of non-destructive testing methods,
such as:
- Visual Testing (VT);
- Magnetic Testing (MT);
- Penetrant Testing (PT);
- Ultrasonic Testing (UT);
- Vacuum box Inspection;
- Hardness Testing;
- Hatch Tightness Testing (HTT);
- Ultrasonic thickness measurements (UTM),
approved by all major Classification Societies;
- NDT Training Center.
Ned NDT Services B.V. - your choice to ensure
that your equipment work safely and efficiently.